Meet your teachers

Our dedicated and experienced teachers are here to guide you on your yoga journey. Each instructor brings their unique expertise and passion to help you in a supportive and welcoming community.

  • Owner and Founder

    Kendra started her Yoga Voyage in 2012 when she had recently began her apprenticeship as a farrier (blacksmith). The physicality of the job wasn’t complemented by the strength and weight training that she was doing at the time and a friend had suggested going to the new Hot Yoga Studio in the Heart of Scomberg - Country Zen Yoga to bring more balance, mobility and flexibility into her life. She went to her first 75 minute Hot Vinyasa and was hooked. 8 years passed of practicing 5/6 times a week and she finally made the leap of doing her first 200HR teacher training at the beloved Country Zen under Erin Ward-Williams. Kendra started teaching right away, despite the Covid pandemic having just started. Between opens and lockdowns, Kendra taught in-person and online on Zoom. After teaching for a full year, Kendra and her husband made the decision to move to the other side of the world- to Perth, Western Australia! Kendra started teaching right away and was soon teaching at 5 different studios. On-top of teaching, Kendra dove deeper into her own personal practice and started practicing Ashtanga Yoga under Moksha from YogaOm Perth - who then became her private teacher to help her define her self practice. After a year and a half on the West Coast - Kendra ventured over to the East Coast to do her advanced 300HR training with Duncan Parviainen at HOV Yoga Byron Bay NSW. Kendra brings to her classes a foundational, anatomical and alignment based approach - wanting your yoga practice and your own journey to be one of not only longevity, but one of transformation and growth as hers was and is. Join her on the mat as her goal as a Yoga teacher is to create a space of community and to leave you feeling nurtured and cared for.

    Additional trainings Kendra has done:

    Annie Carpenter - SmartFlow 1 & 2

    Jason Crandall - The Art of Sequencing

    Janet Stone - The Art of Hands on Assists

    Monica Gauchi - The Sanctity of the Sacred Spine

  • An artist, alchemist and passionate yogi, Natasha has dedicated the last 12 years to exploring various forms of yoga, movement and other self development modalities. A creatrix by nature, Natasha is always working on or learning some new form of creative expression. Each adding a unique ingredient to her understanding of the intricate tapestry of human existence. Beginning as a way to navigate her challenges and facilitate her spiritual growth, the joy and freedom she finds continues to inspire her to lean in, learn more and peel back more layers. Natasha's grounded approach to life, combined with her love for music and intuitive, embodied movement, create an atmosphere of safety, playfulness, exploration, and permission in the various spaces and roles she steps into.

    Natasha is a cis-gender, able bodied, biracial female residing on Anishinaabe lands of the Chippewas of Georgina Island (Ontario, Canada). As a certified Yin and Goddess FlowTM student and guide with foundations in Hatha and Vinyasa modalities, Natasha thrives on supporting others as they navigate their own multifaceted selves, embracing their strengths and confronting their struggles. She fearlessly dives into the depths of challenging and unspoken emotions, gently guiding her students to explore these aspects with curiosity and compassion. Her supporting role within Cocrea and SoulPlay Festival continues to teach her how to best show up and hold this space by helping her find new ways to be in integrity, care and right relationship.

    Natasha's commitment to growth and expansion continues to extend beyond yoga and movement. In 2020, Her path led to Costa Rica, where the transformative power of Kambo found her. Inspired by profound experiences, she became a Certified Kambo Practitioner through the Rainforest Healing Center in Peru in 2022. These days she’s begun to delve into the realms of Human Design, Authentic Relating and Thai Massage. Wherever she goes, her mission is to foster a vibrant community and remind individuals of their inherent strength and wisdom.

  • Sasha has been a certified yoga instructor and personal trainer for the past 12 years .

    Yoga came into her life after her career with competitive dance had finished and she was looking for something to fill that void . Yoga was perfect . It brought movement, music, strength, breath work, and a sense a calm . This is something that Sasha brings into her classes every week . You can always count on a spot on playlist from her ;)

    When she’s not working as an instructor she is also a full time firefighter with Brampton Fire and Emergency Services.

    She has also grown up in King Township and is so happy to help bring this new beautiful yoga space to our community!

  • Alicia’s yoga journey began 20 years ago when she got her first taste of yoga at the gym across from where she worked but it wasn’t until CZY opened in Schomberg that she had the opportunity to truly explore what yoga would come to mean to her.

    A student first, Alicia had not considered the teaching path until COVID hit and her regular in studio practice was put on pause.

    Always a curious student when the opportunity to become a teacher presented itself it offered her the chance to get back to her mat and deepen her knowledge of not just the asana limb of yoga but all areas of yoga.

    Alicia became a certified teacher in 2022 and has been teaching consistently since then.

    Alicia aims to lead fun, creative vinyasa flows that create opportunity to explore a variety of poses at all levels. A big fan of props and always with an emphasis on breath and anatomy her vinyasa classes are welcoming and upbeat.

    Alicia’s other love is creating open and welcoming restorative classes that focus on finding quiet in the mind, softness and release in the body and a connection with breath.

    Alicia brings her experience as a student, her knowledge as a teacher and her profound love of yoga to all her classes.

  • Andrea Seydel's journey with yoga began during her university years while studying psychology, discovering it as a powerful tool for managing anxiety and attention deficit disorder. Her passion for yoga's transformative effects blossomed into a mission to spread its goodness. As an ERYT certified instructor with over 500 hours of formal training and more than 30 years of teaching experience, Andrea has dedicated herself to the practice, training, and instruction of yoga.

    Andrea's yoga journey has been multifaceted. She has run her own studio, authored the AcroYoga Book series, and contributed articles on yoga to various publications. Balancing her yoga practice with a successful writing and publishing career, Andrea holds a master’s degree in Happiness Studies and is the founder of Live Life Happy Publishing, helping authors bring their books to life.

    Her classes, drawing on her extensive psychology education, resilience training, and personal experience, are described as lovingly challenging, fun, energetic, and welcoming. Andrea Seydel continues to inspire and empower her students, infusing each session with her enthusiasm and deep knowledge of yoga and well-being.

  • Sara D’Angelo, founder of MeNu Yoga, is a 300-hour Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator (TCTSY-F) as well as a Yoga Alliance certified Kids’ Yoga Teacher, a Level II Reiki practitioner and an elementary school principal, by profession. She thoroughly enjoys incorporating the principles of meditations, songs, chants and the properties of gemstones into her yoga practice. She firmly believes that yoga is a healthy and healing way to fully live joyously and gently.

  • As an experienced yoga teacher, I bring over nine years of personal practice and more than four years of teaching experience to my classes. I hold a 200-hour yoga teacher certification, along with specialized training in yoga anatomy and Yin yoga. My approach goes beyond traditional instruction, integrating holistic wellness principles such as sound therapy and crystal healing to promote overall well-being. My classes emphasize creative movements and inspiring intentions, helping students ground their bodies and minds in the practice and momentarily escape the outside world. Outside the studio, I find tranquility in nature and enjoy savoring matcha lattes, maintaining a balanced lifestyle both on and off the mat.

“There is no doubt that the foundation of being a great yoga teacher is being a great yoga student.”

— Rod Stryker